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Divine Indifference

Jennifer Chapin

"As an initiate on the path, you must endeavor to focus on the positive events in your everyday life. There will always be some difficult aspects that arise as you strive for a harmonious state of Being. Your goal is to maintain a state of "Divine Indifference" as you seek a high-frequency resolution. In other words, you are not to get caught up in the maelstrom of negativity which always radiates from a person or an occurrence powered by lower frequency vibrations. "Non-attachment" means that you do not allow the negative energy cords to pierce your spiritual armor and contaminate your auric field." (Archangel Michael, The Cosmic Council of Light and Ronna Vezane,

When I first read this, I struggled with the term "Divine Indifference". What could that mean? For souls that are sensitive and reach out in love to others, including the natural world, for those who feel the pain of others, "Divine Indifference" may be a concept that sits strangely in our hearts. How can I feel "Divine Indifference" in the face of so much human suffering? Would I not be considered callous if I did so?

Yet, as I began to reflect on this phrase more, I have come to believe that developing this state of Being is absolutely critical at this juncture of our evolution. We are of no assistance to anyone if we allow ourselves to be dragged down into the inferno of negativity, vitriol, anger and hatred that we see all around us. It does not mean that we fail to care. But it does mean that, behind the turmoil, a far greater unfolding is occurring in God's plan. And that it is perfect. We must always trust this to be so.

The next couple of years are critical, and this is why we have been called. Not to turn our backs on what is happening, that is not the Way, but to be steadfast in our Love for ALL. For holding the Light as receptors of Divine Intelligence and Inspiration, as a bridge between the Spiritual and material realms.

There is no greater service that we can provide.

(art by Rassouli)


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