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Releasing Old Attachments

Jennifer Chapin

“Releasing attachments, outmoded habits and concepts is an ongoing process and requires constant vigilance and upgrading. We are aware that you have built comfort zones around yourself which are difficult to move beyond, even if they are uncomfortable and restrictive.  But that is exactly what you must do, beloveds, if you are to evolve into the masters of cocreation you were meant to be.” (Archangel Michael via Ronna Vezane,

We can all get lulled into a state of amnesia and forgetting.  The world around us has been built to take away our power and our critical need to think for ourselves.  It reminds me of the story of the Grand Inquisitor embedded within Dostoyevsky’s Brothers Karamazov.  It takes place in Spain during the time of the Inquisition.  Jesus has returned to Earth and is arrested for performing miracles. He stands before the Grand Inquisitor who accuses him of encouraging the people to live in freedom and to take full responsibility for their lives. The Grand Inquisitor tells Jesus that he has misjudged human nature and that the Church is now following the Devil and removing any responsibility for people to think for themselves. In this way, he says, they will live in complete ignorance and die under the dictates of the Church only. Then he sends Jesus into the flames.

We are living inside a massive illusion of old thought patterns and ways of being that no longer serve us.  It is an illusion to believe in this grand illusion, and we all must shake off the lethargy of past programming to stand on our own feet.

It is only when we have shed ourselves of these illusions that we can see the Power and the Majesty of who we are and start to cocreate accordingly.

This is our mission for these rapidly evolving times.




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