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Seeking the Solitude of the Soul

"You must turn inward as you seek to engage and connect with your Higher Self and Angelic guides. You must seek the sanctified solitude of the soul." (The Cosmic Council of Light, Ronna Vezane, overlighted by Archangel Michael,

All of the Earth conspires to keep us in a condition of thralldom. We are so imbued with the materialistic ethic of our time that we have forced our gods and our souls out of our reality. We follow, with fascination, those that we perceive to be smarter than us, more beautiful, more accomplished, and we live our lives as a parody of another's, forgetting who we are, completely.

For many, this is no longer so. Many of us have seen through the illusions of the spin doctors and instead of being in thrall to materialism, we are now in thrall to the Wonder, Magic and Majesty of our souls, and the "unseen world" that we interact with.

Solitude and turning inward is the only way that this Higher Reality can be perceived. The material world is a an illusion only, always seeking to devour us.

It is a matrix, you might say.

We are living in a rarified time when we are all being asked to make the ultimate decision as to which god to bow to, the god of the material world, or the God within.

We must remember that all will evolve, in their own time.

(the art of Rassouli)



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