"Many have asked, “How can we connect with our guardian angel, the masters, and the angelic forces? We say to you, turn within and move your consciousness into the sanctuary of your Sacred Heart. The silence within the Still Point is a place of unlimited power. Concentrated power plus focused intention results in perfect, conscious union with the ALL THAT IS. Thus, the saying: “Be Still and Know that I AM God.”
Our Father/Mother God speaks to you through the still small voice from within. Your vaster Self in Spirit form is always trying to nudge you in the right direction. These nudgings, via inspiration and subtle, positive occurrences, increase as you begin to listen and take affirmative action that leads to the Highest Good. The motivating forces of the Universe are silent but powerful. The Universe is teeming with the Elixir of Life just waiting for you to claim your Divine Birthright." (Archangel Michael via Ronna Vezane, starquestmastery.com)
I remember reading another message from Archangel Michael where he states that if we remain within the silence of our Sacred Heart we will be safe. I was puzzled by this at the time but now, with the increase of Creator Light bombarding the planet, coupled with the speeding up of the heartbeat of the Earth and the great anxiety amongst humanity who are responding to this (whether they realize it or not), I understand what he means. We are at the apex of critical change.
Simply put, we face being dragged into the maelstrom of negativity around us if we do not stay within our central point of power. In the Power of Now. It is imperative that we maintain an alpha state and stay in a position of neutrality, always looking at what is occurring from a higher perspective.
And yes, in this center, we meet our Higher Self, Angels and Guides, and hear the voice of God. I love the phrase in the above quote: "The motivating forces of the Universe are silent but powerful". When we hear these voices they are like a rudder for us in stormy seas, gently guiding us away from the shoals and the pitfalls of life around us. I find that I personally do not want to miss even one second of this guiding force as it aids me to maintain my trajectory and be on point with my Divine Mission, especially at this most volatile time.
The Angels and the Archangels are, most assuredly, quite real, as many of us know. Many of us are of the Angelic Realm and we are starting to wake up to this remembrance. With the thinning of the veils between worlds we feel the love that the Angels have for us, we feel their breath upon our cheek. We see the paintings they draw for us in the clouds, and in the beauty of a sunset. We hear their whispers in the wind and in the play of light on the flowers and the trees. We are becoming intertwined with them once again with the kind of intimacy that we had with them in the beginning. They have always been with us. They have always loved us.
We can hear them clearly if we stay within our Inner Source of Power. When we finally cross that bridge into our 5th dimensional reality, we find that Joy and Gratitude is our guide, along with deep Serenity, Magic, Beauty and Love. In one of my discussions with Ronna Vezane she told me that the world of 5D is more fluid than the 4th dimension. As we move through the null zone and enter this dimension we find ourselves positioned within our Sacred Hearts, and it is from this location that we hold the door open for others who are making their own entrance into this dimension.
As part of the vanguard for this time, many of us will move quickly through the 5th dimension to enter into the City of Light in the 6th dimension. It is from this dimension that we initially began our journey into the lower dimensions. At that time, the Archangels, Ascended Masters, and Great Beings of Light stepped down their essences to be with us in the 6th dimension as we began our journey.
They will be waiting for us when we return. There will be many that will complete that return in this lifetime.
What a beautiful post to read first thing in the morning! As I was reading this, I was transported back in time, to the age of 5. My family lived in San Jose, California. It doesn't snow in San Jose, but every night my sister and I would pray for snow. I think it took a few months, but low and behold, one day it SNOWED. That's when I KNEW that angels/guides were real. It was a truly magical experience for two little girls. Miracles happen!!