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>> All of you who are faithful readers of our messages are familiar with the twelve rays of God-consciousness, which you are currently striving to integrate and claim as your own: the seven rays of our solar system and the five higher galactic rays of fifth-dimensional consciousness.   


However, there are some very important facets of creation that have been withheld from the masses until now. All manifestations within this universe are composed of organized energy from the heart core of the Omniversal supreme creator. There is a master creator core of cosmic consciousness which contains an allotment of the full spectrum Supreme Creator essence.  



>>  The Father and Mother God of this universe were endowed with a portion of these creator attributes, qualities and virtues. This is the primary source of creation or consciousness within this universe where within the original design all is balanced—all is equal—all is harmonious.   


 >> Before the god rays of our Father/mother God were radiated out into the great void, there was an incalculable number of powerful supreme creator rays sent forth out into the cosmic void. These creator rays became great regions of space with different light densities and time-consciousness cells that contained infinite divine schematics of material world possibilities.  


>> There are membranes of light that create barriers so there is a firm demarcation between each sub-universe until the time comes for some of the membranes of light to be removed.  These light-line barriers cannot be penetrated or crossed without special divine directive. These thin membranes of light contain a vast storehouse of Admantine Particles of divine light and potential divine blueprints of creation for the future within pyramids of light.   


>> There are living pyramids of divine light/life within every energy field and dimensional space of creation.  Creator light pours forth from the pyramid-shaped treasuries of light to be used by the elohim and the builders of form in making new creative designs as mandated by our father/mother god.   


 >> Within this universe, from within the heart core essence of the Father/Mother God, the divine essence of the “paradise suns” – the son and daughter cocreators for each sub-universe -- were made manifest. These wondrous beings are stepped-down refractions of the power and majesty of our universal god parents – just as our father/mother god are a stepped-down refraction of the supreme creator.  


>>  There are three major divisions within this particular universe. Our explanations are greatly simplified, for the creative process is much too complicated for the human mind to comprehend. 


>>     From the essence within the elohim “master core of cosmic consciousness” there was a specific number of sub-universes created, within this universal whole, which contained both feminine and masculine attributes, virtues and qualities of divine light in perfect equality and balance.  


>>    However, when the major portion of the sub-universes was created, the predominant forces of the creative process were allotted to either the masculine or the feminine attributes of creator-consciousness.  In half of the sub-universal divine blueprints and plans, the father/son qualities of divine will, power and purpose, the mental/outward-focused attributes of the creator were emphasized; while the mother/daughter attributes of compassion, nurturing, intuition, inward-focused qualities were in a secondary support position.   


>>    There are also an equal number of sub-universes with the mother/daughter qualities and virtues in the leadership role, while the father/son attributes took the secondary position. Essentially, however, the indeterminable diverseness and magnitude of creation were designed so that the supreme creator could experience unlimited variations of itself. Have we not told you that this universe could be called a universe of great and unique diversity? It was created as a univers-ity of learning for you, the Starseed wanders of the past and future. 


>> This sub-universe has been primarily a father and son universal experience from its inception. Our mother god and the beautiful goddess qualities have always been present, but not in the full glory and essence of her beingness. It is now time for the mother/daughter and the father/son aspects of the creator to return to equal partnership. This is the wondrous evolutionary process now in progress within this entire universe and within all its creations. 


>> All dimensions and sub-dimensions contain an infinite variety of fields or states of consciousness, from an almost total state of unconscious awareness of self, to the ultimate state of absolute awareness, “the I am that, I am” of our father/mother god.   


>> Human creation is only a small part of a much greater and grander creative process. That is why we have placed such emphasis on creating your personal pyramid of light in the fifth dimension. Also, why we have given you instructions in great detail as to the various pyramids of light available to you, and the important part they play in the ascension process.  


>> Each star in a solar system or galaxy is a node of energy vibration.  Spin is nature’s most effective way of moving energy. You could not live without the spin or spiraling motion of energy. 


>> You are called Starseeds for a reason: as you return to self-mastery, you will initiate the process of creating a plethora of new life codes -- white fire seed atoms ( called “memory seed atoms); which will contain the history of all your successes during your “adventure into density.” All of this vastly important data will be added to the vast library of cosmic wisdom. It will also be integrated into the divine blueprint for the forthcoming new golden galaxy. 


Copyright: 2023 <> RONNA VEZANE <> STAR*QUEST<>  www.Starquestmastery.Com   




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