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The Return of the Mother

Jennifer Chapin

"It is the memory of the perfect love of your Mother God, described by the ancients as the "Holy Spirit, that you have yearned for and sought throughout these many ages, precious ones. A place within your heart center has ached; a place that could not be filled by anything or anyone in the physical expression. The time has come for that place to be filled to overflowing with her unconditional love, compassion, strength and purity. All you have to do is remove the insultation from around your heart/soul chamber - your Sacred Heart - and allow her radiance to enter." (Archangel Michael va Ronna Vezane,

We are living in a time of miracles where we are moving into the place of being co-creators once again. We are starting to remember who we are and that it is our Divine Birthright to live in Joy, Abundance and Peace, all of us.

There can be no wielding of overt Will, Power, Justice and Truth, the tenets of the First Ray, without the balancing of the energies of Love and Compassion, the qualities of the Second Ray. The swirl of the Sacred Masculine and Feminine, as One. We are not whole until we embrace both within us, and therefore, in the world. We see the results of this imbalance today as the old patriarchal world seeks to hang onto its power. But this is no longer tenable in the face of the radical changes that we are all experiencing, individually, and as a collective.

In the beginning, we were created to be in perfect union with Mother/Father God, and a balance of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine.

As it was in the beginning, so it is becoming again.

(the art of Rassouli)


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