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World Server Groups

Jennifer Chapin

“The inner nucleus will be those who are well on their way to Self-mastery. This means those aspirants who have tamed the ego desire body, and their Soul is now the director of their life experiences. They must have gained entrance into the Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart and are therefore attuned to their higher mental and emotional bodies. As a result, they will have a burning desire to serve and to spread the Light and the wisdom teachings of Cosmic Consciousness. Their focus is on UNITY consciousness and GROUP interaction, instead of an I, ME, or MY mind set.

As each Soul awakens to his or her individual Divine heritage, they will no longer be willing to follow man-made, restrictive, individualized, controlling rules and regulations designed to ensnare and emotionally enslave the people of the world. Self-mastery and unity consciousness will become the major theme of mass consciousness in the future.

Unconditional or Sacred love is a love that rises above the limitations and the mass consciousness belief structure of the Third-/Fourth-Dimensional illusion. Unconditional love is based on the wisdom of your Sacred Mind and is radiated purely from the Sacred Heart for the greatest good of all.” (The Ascended Masters Cosmic Council of Light with Ronna Vezane,

It becomes a truism that in the fullness of time many things fall away. Many people fall away. And this is the outgrowth of our Spirits rising. We are changed now, and every day that we commit to our ongoing spiritual practice we evolve even more.

For me, the noise of the world is a noise I cannot countenance any longer.  The means and methods of control used by the governing elites, fall away into irrelevance.  I do not engage with many forms of media, especially mainstream media, as it is full of half-truths and propaganda designed to keep us in servitude and fear. 

It is not a conscious “I must do this” kind of reflex.  When we start to see and breathe in Sprit and witness Its unfolding in our lives, we naturally rise up to be enveloped in that Love that truly defies all understanding.

Our mission here, as World Servers, is a critical one, and each of us are needed now more than ever.  We are laying the foundation for those precious ones who will inherit this beautiful Earth and who will ultimately bring Her back into that pristine state of wholeness and beauty that She was in the beginning.

Breath by breath we regain control of our Beings.  Breath by breath we rise, mind, body and soul and clear out all our imperfections and impacted energies. Anything that stands in the way of our Ascension.

To the point where we can truly say: “I AM a Being of Sacred Fire, I AM the purity of God’s desire.  The Divine Mind of God and I are one.”

(the art of



1 Comment

Sep 09, 2024

Thank You for this beautiful and uplifting message. So many wonderful opportunities await. It’s time Beloveds. I remain both eternally grateful and humbled. Ready and willing to assist humanity and our beloved earth, in whatever capacity honors the Highest Order as established by God’s grace and wisdom.

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